Make sure that you agree with the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing on the above website shop.aekfc.gr/ implies your explicit and unconditional consent and agreement with them. 



The shop.aekfc.gr/ is an online store offering products and services (clothing, footwear, accessories, etc.) via the Internet, which belongs to the company 11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC. with headquarters at 12 El.Venizelou Street, Melissia P.O. Box 15127 with VAT number 802396847 and Tax Office Amarousiou, No. G.E.M.I.: 175623901000. The visitor/user of the website is invited to read carefully the present terms of use and to visit/use the pages/services of shop.aekfc.gr/ only if he/she accepts them in full. By entering this website, the visitor/user is presumed to have taken note of the terms of use, accepts these terms and waives any claim that may arise from his/her visit to shop.aekfc.gr/. 

The shop.aekfc.gr/ reserves the right to add, modify and / or remove at any time any item and / or information included in it and to temporarily or permanently discontinue part or all of its services without any notice at its sole discretion. 

Any invalidity of any of the terms of this document does not invalidate the rests. The non-exercise by shop.aekfc.gr/ of its rights under these terms does not imply a waiver of these rights. The shop.aekfc.gr/ is not responsible for breach of these terms due to reasons of force majeure, such as but not limited to extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, floods, fires, emergencies, etc. 

The use of this website by each user is at his/her own sole risk. The content of this website does not constitute and cannot in any way be construed as advice or direct or indirect encouragement to users to take any action. The evaluation of the content of this website is at the discretion of each user, who also assumes responsibility for the use of any part of this website.  
In case of non-acceptance of any condition of use, the use of shop.aekfc.gr/ is expressly prohibited. 



The shop.aekfc.gr/ is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on this website, both in terms of the identity of shop.aekfc.gr and the services provided by it, without prejudice to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally or interruptions in the operation of this website for reasons of force majeure. In particular, shop.aekfc.gr/ is not responsible for defective products and / or untrue information concerning the goods of its suppliers and contained in this website. The relevant responsibility is solely for the individual suppliers. 



All the content of shop.aekfc.gr/ including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, the services provided and generally all the files of this website, except for the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyright of third parties, partners and institutions), are intellectual property, registered trademarks and service marks of shop.aekfc.gr/ and the company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. The other products or services mentioned in the electronic pages of this website and bearing the trademarks of the respective organizations, companies, partner institutions, associations or publications, are their own intellectual property and therefore these institutions bear the relevant responsibility. 

Any copying, distribution, modification, alteration, alteration, compilation, modification, reproduction, distribution, distribution, transfer, sale, republication, uploading in any way of any information (in its entirety) is prohibited, partial or summary) provided on this website in any way or means, including by uploading them to the Internet or making the information available on the Internet in any other way without the prior written permission of 11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC.  



Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is the new regulatory framework of the European Union in the area under consideration. The object of the law is to establish the conditions for the processing of personal data to protect the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in particular the right to protection of personal data. The Regulation entered into force on 25 May 2018 and repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). 


Personal Data Protection 
Personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector (Law 3471/2006 , as amended) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPCA).  

11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC. is committed to protecting the personal data of visitors/users of the website shop.aekfc.gr/ and to comply with the relevant provisions on personal data protection (Law 2472/1997 on the protection of individuals from the processing of personal data) as applicable. 

The provision of data that constitute personal data is not required for the navigation in shop.aekfc.gr/ or for access to its content except in those cases where in order for a visitor/user to have access to certain offers, he/she must first become a member of shop.aekfc.gr/ 

However, if the visitor/user wishes to order products, but also to ensure the possibility of communication with him/her and more generally for the support, promotion and execution of the business relationship with him/her, it is possible that he/she may be asked to disclose his/her personal data (such as name, profession, e-mail address, date of birth, etc.). Also, visitors/users when registering for the services of shop.aekfc.gr/ have the possibility, if they wish, to request to receive information about new products of this e-shop as well as existing offers either from the company itself or from partner companies by email to their registered email address or by a promotional-informative message via SMS to their mobile phone. In this case, the visitor/user agrees that the data submitted to shop.aekfc.gr/ are complete, correct, true, accurate and valid and that if they change, they will inform the relevant service of shop.aekfc.gr/ so that the registration data are kept complete, correct, true, accurate and valid. If the user wishes to discontinue communication for promotional reasons, it is sufficient to visit the contact form of the website shop.aekfc.gr/ where he can declare his wish at any time. Members remain solely responsible for all actions carried out under their personal password, username and generally their account. Members agree to immediately notify shop.aekfc.gr/ of any unauthorized use of their account and any committed and/or potential security breach. Also, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and the formal exit from their account at the end of each use. Shop.aekfc.gr/ is not liable for any harm or damage resulting from the failure of members to respect and follow this clause. By registering on shop.aekfc.gr/ the user consents to his/her personal data being used by 11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC. as the company responsible for their processing through automated means, either by itself or through any other person appointed by 11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC.  to carry out the processing on its behalf. 

However, because unauthorized third parties may be able to read users' messages sent over the Internet, users are advised not to send information that they wish to remain confidential by e-mail. 

Registered users and those who provide their personal data on the website shop.aekfc.gr/ have the right to request and receive from 11TEAMSPORTS GREECE SMLLC. the following information: a) all personal data concerning them, b) the purposes of processing and any recipients, c) the correction of their data kept in the file, as well as the right to raise any objections to their data at any time. 

Registered users have the right to request at any time and without charge the deletion of their data at any time by sending an email to shop.aekfc.gr. 

The disclosure of personal data by users of shop.aekfc.gr in the above manner constitutes acceptance of the terms of use of such data in accordance with the present. If the user does not consent to the use of his/her personal data as described above, he/she will not have to fill in the relevant fields. 



The shop.aekfc.gr makes every reasonable effort to safeguard the personal data of users by adhering to strict security measures, which at the discretion of shop.aekfc.gr may be changed or modified. However, users are informed that sending confidential information via e-mail services is not the most secure way of sending, as it entails risks of reading this information by unauthorized third parties. 

All payments made using a card are processed through Viva Wallet's electronic payment platform.Encryption is a way of encoding information until it reaches the intended recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. 

Finally, personal security is the password that the user gives when becoming a member of shop.aekfc.gr shop.aekfc.gr recommends that users, for security reasons, change their password regularly and avoid using the same and easily detectable passwords. 



shop.aekfc.gr is against the collection of data of minors, i.e. persons under 18 years of age. 



If the visitors of shop.aekfc.gr use the communication possibilities provided by this website to provide information other than personal data, such as for example suggestions about the website or ideas for advertisements and products and any other relevant information, such information, suggestions and ideas come into the possession of shop.aekfc.gr with the consent of the visitor and can be used/exploited by shop.aekfc.gr in any way (e.g. reproduction, modification, disclosure, etc.). 



The visitor/user of this website is solely responsible for its lawful use and is obliged to refrain from any illegal act and abusive behavior as well as from adopting illegal practices and practices of unfair competition. 

The visitor/user is prohibited to send or transmit through shop.aekfc.gr illegal material. Such material is material that violates the rights of third parties (indicatively, intellectual and industrial property rights and privacy and personal data protection rights) and / or is false, inaccurate, threatening, abusive, insulting, offensive, vulgar, violent, defamatory or encourages criminal acts. Visitors/users are also prohibited from causing harm in any way to minors, forging or otherwise altering the identifiers of users/members for the purpose of misleading them as to the origin of the content transmitted through shop.aekfc.gr, the posting, publication, sending or use of any other means for the installation of any unsolicited advertising or other content related to the promotion of products or services or third party websites, the sending of unsolicited and uninvited emails by the recipient and any other promotion of undesirable content. Harassment of third parties in any way is prohibited. Visitors/users agree that they will not compromise the security of this website and that they will not prevent any user from accessing this website. The use of this website for illegal purposes will result in civil and criminal penalties. The visitor/user agrees and accepts that shop.aekfc.gr bears no responsibility for material with the above characteristics, which comes from third parties and is hosted on the website and in no case can it be considered that shop.aekfc.gr endorses or accepts such content. 

The user/member understands and accepts that using the services of shop.aekfc.gr may be exposed to offensive, immoral or illegal content. 

In case shop.aekfc.gr is notified that any content causes moral damage or other damage to a third person, it reserves the right to proceed immediately to the deletion of this content and at the same time to terminate the operation of the account of the user/member who violates the terms of the present. The shop.aekfc.gr declares that it will cooperate with any police or judicial authority in order to reveal the identity of any user who publishes or transmits such material or information. 

Visitors/users are committed that their data submitted to shop.aekfc.gr are complete, correct and accurate, that they comply with the rules of Greek Law and especially with the provisions of telecommunications legislation, that they refrain from any illegal and contrary to good morals use of shop.aekfc.gr and that they do not violate any kind of third party rights and, in particular, personal privacy. 

If a visitor/user causes technical damage to the website or the systems that transmit the website to the visitors/users, he/she is liable for any damage resulting from such damage and assumes any expense for the restoration of the damage. 

Also, the visitor/user of shop.aekfc.gr understands and accepts that he/she retains the exclusive responsibility to compensate shop.aekfc.gr and its partners for any legal dispute that may arise between him/her and third parties due to the content that he/she has made available for posting, publication or other transfer through the services of shop.aekfc.gr as well as in case of inaccurate registration of data during registration or updating of data and in general in case of any violation of these terms of use. 



The visitor/user understands and accepts that shop.aekfc.gr reserves the exclusive right, without any prior notification, to discontinue the use of the password(s) to its services and/or to discontinue the availability of its content to visitors/users who it believes have violated the letter and spirit of these terms of use. The shop.aekfc.gr does not bear any obligation towards the visitor/user for the interruption or for any claim related to the aforementioned interruption. 



The shop.aekfc.gr is not liable to its customers/users for any damage that may arise from the execution or not of their order (except in the cases of paragraph 13 "Returns of Products". 

The shop.aekfc.gr reserves the right to the time of delivery of goods in cases of force majeure. 

The shop.aekfc.gr can provide no guarantee for the availability of products but guarantees the timely notification of end consumers about their unavailability. 

The shop.aekfc.gr is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of its pages, services, options and content that shop.aekfc.gr undertakes on its own initiative and responsibility (e.g. indicatively but not limited to damage due to illegal acts of third parties such as interception or decryption of codes and data, the spread of viruses during the use of the website or the reproduction (download) of elements of its content, problems that may occur during the use of computers (e.g. loss of data, etc.), etc.). shop.aekfc.gr is used as it is, without any explicit or implicit guarantee and depending on its availability. The shop.aekfc.gr makes reasonable efforts to maintain and make available its content. Nevertheless, users accept that shop.aekfc.gr is entitled to modify and/or temporarily or permanently interrupt all or part of its content with and/or without notice to users, since availability may be affected by users' equipment, by other communication networks, by the large number of people trying to use shop.aekfc.gr at the same time or by other causes. Therefore, shop.aekfc.gr does not bear any responsibility for any kind of damage (positive, consequential, negligent, intracontractual or other) resulting from the inability of users to access it, the cessation of all or part of it, the delay, non-delivery, interruption or poor quality of its services or loss of their content, the existence of any kind of errors. In any case, shop.aekfc.gr reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of all or part of its services for maintenance or upgrading purposes or for any other reason. 

shop.aekfc.gr does not warrant that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that this website will be secure, that errors will be corrected on this website or that the server that makes shop.aekfc.gr available is free of viruses or other harmful elements. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor/user and in no case the shop.aekfc.gr 



The shop.aekfc.gr may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files, stored on the hard drive of each user, do not take note of any document or file from the user's computer and are used only to facilitate the user's access to specific services, for marketing purposes and for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services of shop.aekfc.gr are useful or popular. The user can configure his/her server not to receive cookies, either in total or on a case-by-case basis. In this case, the user cannot access these services any further. 



The shop.aekfc.gr may contain links to other websites. The interconnection of shop.aekfc.gr with other websites through links is only for the convenience of visitors/users. These websites are not under the control of shop.aekfc.gr and therefore shop.aekfc.gr is not responsible for the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of their services. The shop.aekfc.gr is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to users/visitors, resulting from the use of the possibility of interconnection with another website through links or from the use of data and information contained in any similar website. Therefore, for any problem arising during the visit/use, the visitor/user must address directly to the respective websites and pages, which bear full responsibility (civil and criminal) for the safety, legality, validity of the content of their websites and the provision of their services, excluding any liability of the shop.aekfc.gr The shop.aekfc.gr in no way should be considered as endorsing or accepting the content or services of these websites and the pages to which it refers or links to them in any way. 



Returns of products at the company's charge 

The customer has the right to return the products purchased from this online store with a charge of shop.aekfc.gr in the following cases. 

1. If through the fault of shop.aekfc.gr the wrong products were sold (error in receiving the order, in pricing, in shipping, etc.). In this case, the customer may either not accept to receive the product from the beginning or request its return. The returned products must be in perfect condition, sealed, complete and without any damage. The packaging of the product must be that which normally accompanies the product and must be in perfect condition. 

2. If through the fault of shop.aekfc.gr sold products of poor quality (damaged in transit, with poor packaging, etc.) In this case, the customer must not accept the receipt of the product and contact this online store. In case the customer accepts to receive the product, shop.aekfc.gr will not accept any return and therefore will not make a replacement. In addition, in case the customer does not return the product then, no new product will be sent and the customer will have to place a new order/purchase. The product must be returned in the condition in which it was delivered. 

In both of the above cases, the maximum return period may not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt. 

Returns of products at the customer's charge 

The customer reserves the right to return the products purchased, without any compensation and without any obligation to communicate the reason for which he/she wishes to return the products, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt. In this case, the direct cost of returning the products shall be charged. Returns will only be accepted if the products that the customer wishes to return are in the exact same condition in which they were received, i.e. without having been unsealed or the packaging has been tampered with. The customer must complete and send to shop.aekfc.gr the relevant withdrawal form that will be found on this website within the above deadline. 

In case of return of products, the refund corresponding to the products ordered by the customer will be completed within 15 days from the date that shop.aekfc.gr will receive the returned products. The refund can also be made by crediting the customer's bank account, which will be communicated to ordres@aekfc.gr in time and in writing. 

In any case of return of products, the customer is obliged to deliver intact and in perfect condition and all documents, which accompanied the product (e.g., DATA, Ap. Retail, marketing material or any other promotional material etc.). 



The shop.aekfc.gr does not provide any guarantee either for the quality or for the suitability of the products sold for any specific purpose, nor does it guarantee the safety and protection of the users of these products. Such guarantees are provided, if provided, only by the manufacturers and the customer must be informed about this from the product packaging. Any telephone information made by shop.aekfc.gr regarding manufacturers' warranties is simply and only for the convenience of the customer and in no way constitutes a guarantee of shop.aekfc.gr 




Orders are accepted and orders are shipped only within Greece. Shipments are made daily except Saturday, Sunday and holidays between 9.00 am - 17.00 pm. 

The various product offers that appear in this online store are valid until stocks are exhausted. 


The prices listed are the final prices, i.e. VAT is included. The shop.aekfc.gr reserves the right to change prices without prior notice to customers. In any case, however, the customer at the time of receipt of the product ordered will pay the price which was indicated at the time of the order. 

Order Completion/Confirmation 

Upon completion of the order, the customer will receive from shop.aekfc.gr by email and/or by phone confirmation and the order number. 

Cancellation of the order 

Before the order is completed, during the online ordering process, the customer can click on the corresponding field "Cancel" and thus proceed to the automatic cancellation of the order. 

Modification of the order 

After the order has been completed, changes can be made upon request within 24 hours if the order has not been delivered to the carrier. 

Product availability 

If a product ordered by the customer is not available, then shop.aekfc.gr will contact him via email and / or phone, within a reasonable period of time from the placement of the order, in order to inform him when the delivery is likely. If the customer considers that the delivery time of the product does not satisfy him, he may cancel the order of the product in question while any other order may be executed normally. 

Tracking the order 

The shop.aekfc.gr provides the customer with the opportunity to monitor the progress of his order, through the informative emails he receives each time his order changes status. Also, at any time, the customer can go to the "My Account" field and enter his codes (username and password) in order to be informed about the status of his order. 

Delivery of products 

If the purchase was made via credit card to ensure the holder of the credit card, the delivery of the products is made only to the buyer, who must receive the order in person by presenting his original identity card or passport and his credit card. It is forbidden for a third person to receive the order unless the purchaser authorises a third person in writing. Also, in the case of written authorisation, the authorised person must show the above documents in order to complete the delivery of the goods made by credit card. 

Delivery time 

Delivery is made no later than 30 days from the day of the order and is subject to product availability. In exceptional cases and if the customer has been informed in advance, the delivery time may be extended. 

Delivery method 

The receipt of the products is exclusively through a courier company. 

Shipping/Replacement costs 

Regardless of the method of payment (by credit card or cash on delivery), any shipping and handling costs of cash on delivery are in any case borne by the customer-purchaser and are paid by the latter to the courier company's employee upon delivery and receipt of the products. 

Shipping costs for all of Greece, regardless of the volume and/or weight of the products amount to 4.9€ (unless there is a change in this amount, in which case there will be a relevant notification). 



The online shop.aekfc.gr accepts payment via credit, debit and prepaid cards of Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express. 

There is no option to pay in instalments, but the amount will be paid in one lump sum. The amount of the lump sum repayment, apart from the value of the products, includes the shipping costs. 

For purchases made by credit card, the customer should follow the instructions found in this online store. On the payment page of the bank, he will have to fill in the number and expiry date of his credit card. The credit card will be debited after checking and certifying the details and validity of the credit card. The customer is solely responsible for the correct recording and truthfulness of the credit card details. 

In each case of purchase, the buyer must also be the holder of the card used for the transaction. 



The customer pays the courier company's employee, who acts on behalf of shop.aekfc.gr, with the delivery of the order at his place. 

In both payment methods, you can choose to issue either a retail receipt or an invoice. 

An invoice is issued to companies and freelancers, if they fill in the following information when placing their order: company name, VAT number, tax office and profession for freelancers.



The delivery of products is made by partner courier companies, to which shop.aekfc.gr forwards the personal data of users, such as full name and shipping address, in order to enable the delivery and execution of orders. 



The order may be delayed for the following reasons: 

1. The product has been delayed to be shipped from our supplier. In this case, shop.aekfc.gr will contact the customer to ask him if he wants the order to be delivered without this product or to suggest an alternative. This item will be sent to the customer after receipt of the item in our warehouses. 

2. The product has already been discontinued and is not available. In this case, shop.aekfc.gr will contact the customer to provide an alternative solution. 

3. In periods of extreme weather or strikes and in case of force majeure, which may affect the transport and delivery of the customer's order. In this case, shop.aekfc.gr will contact the customer as soon as possible in order for the latter to state whether he wishes to complete the order under these circumstances. 

4. In the event that it is impossible to contact the customer by phone and/or email (e.g. if there is a problem with the order, either in relation to the product or in relation to the payment) because, for example, the customer's details are not correctly updated. 



The present terms of use and the use of the website shop.aekfc.gr are governed by Greek Law, by the applicable legislative provisions of the European Union and by the relevant International Treaties. In the event that any of the present terms and conditions should be deemed invalid or voidable, such invalidity or voidability shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions. Competent for the resolution of any dispute arising from the use of the website shop.aekfc.gr or regarding the interpretation or application of these terms of use or on account of them are the Courts of Athens. 



For any clarification related to shop.aekfc.gr users can call 210-6655000 or contact shop.aekfc.gr at orders@aekfc.gr  

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